It has been discovered that some who profess to seek Zion have taught principles of “bonded soulmates,” “bonded wives,” “first eternal spouse,” or some variation thereof; and/or have participated in secret and false ordinances associated with these ideas. These teachings originate with the same evil being who, “from the days of Cain” authored “a secret combination, and their works were in the dark…and thus the works of darkness began to prevail among all the sons of men.” (Moses 5:51, 55). Since that time, Lucifer has continuously sought to destroy the agency and bring people into bondage.
A council of women was brought together to evaluate a man’s approval to act in his priesthood among the fellowships. Through this council these works of darkness have been exposed and we, as members of that council, do openly denounce such teachings and practices, as does the man for whom the council was called. It has been shown that the man was taught such concepts and teachings by a woman, and as such we acknowledge that all men and women are fallible.
Let it be known publicly that the teaching and practice of “bonded soulmates,” secret ordinances between men and women not legally and lawfully married in this world, or physical intimacy outside the bonds of marriage are abominations before the Lord and are denounced by those seeking to establish Zion.
The man’s accusers have made public claims about this private council, including claims that Denver Snuffer said the following:
- The man in question was “a key contributor” to the scripture project.
- The man in question “had received important revelations concerning the scripture project.”
- Denver also confidently assured the council that [the man] was “innocent.”
We were present during all council proceedings, and assert these public statements are false and were never made by Denver Snuffer. We denounce these attempts to mischaracterize the purposes and results of this council.
This council was not a referendum on the scripture project or Denver Snuffer. It should not be used as such. This was a private action concerning one man who has repented and renounced his prior errors.